Creating space for energy to flow


Do you want to experience more of your inner flow and peace in life?

As a facilitator I create and hold the space for you to heal and find your true power.
I invite you to create more space in your body for your life force energy to flow free - and for you to connect deeper with your true essence.

I'm based in Sweden and hold regular sessions in Stockholm, Norrtälje and Åkersberga where you also can book a private session with me.
I also offer regular online sessions and travel to Portugal several times per year for retreats and classes.

Thank you - for being here!

When we learn to open up to life, we allow life to flow through us


AUG 2024


Kundalini Activation & Non-dual Retreat, Uppsala

Welcome to a Non-dual retreat north of Uppsala, Sweden. Co-created with experienced space holders Pernilla, Malee and Navid Zargham.



Weekend Immersion, Portugal

Once again I will be back in Portugal for another Weekend Immersion together with facilitator Alina Cristina. 

The more willing you are to surrender to the energy within you, the more power can flow through you.

- Shakti Gawain


My name is Pernilla and I'm an energy worker, yoga teacher and co-founder of MOON yoga- and healingstudio in Norrtälje, Sweden. 

I have been practicing yoga for 15+ years and been interested in raw food and a healthy lifestyle for many years. I'm a mother of three fantastic kids and live on the county side, surrounded by old oak trees, north of Stockholm with my husband, kids and two cats. 

I had a spiritual awakening during my parental leave in 2021 after I started to go to KAP sessions reguarly. This year became a very spiritual year for me, reading many books, journaling, meditating and integrating after KAP during long walks in nature.

In january 2022 I trained with KAP Academy to facilitate kundalini activation / life force transmissions and I feel so blessed to be offering this transformative tool to anyone who feels called. It is so beautiful to see the expansion that happens in people when they return home to themselves. And the experience to be here on earth keeps getting more and more clear to me at the same time as it continues to be a big mystery. It is all oneness in a joyful play of love. Let's just dance with it!

Sending you blessings and hope to hear from you if you feel called to work with me.

With love / Pernilla

Feel free to contact me to see how I can guide you to more flow in life.


“Pernilla has a warm, loving and soft feminine energy that makes is feel safe and easy to surrender and let whatever hapens inside come out just as it is.

I warmly recommend to go to Pernillas KAP-classes. You will be well taken care of even tough what you are going through might be challanging for you - or simply amazing! Everything is ok.”

Jenny Maria Eliza


"I received an online KAP-session from Pernilla. It was just as strong an experience as the in-person session. I loved that I could do this from my home as I live far from Pernilla.

I really recommend this online experience especially för people outside of Stockholm.

I felt very energised and experienced a lot of release as well. The next few days were calm and aligned.

Highly recommended and I look forward to going to one of Pernillas retreats soon.

Thank you."

Niomi Stella Rose


“Wow what a KAP-session. Thank you Pernilla, you are magical.

I can reccomend going to KAP with Pernilla. She is so warm, safe and open."



"KAP is like nothing I have tried before. It is astonishing to me how in every class I get just what I need, whatever it is movement, emotion release or a state of calm and bliss. It teaches me how to surrender, both in class and in life as it is in between the classes where the true magic happens. KAP has made me more connected to myself, intuition and meaning of life.

Pernilla with her warm presence, care and space-holding makes me feel safe to surrender to the energy and flow. KAP feels so special and expansive yet so natural, like coming home."



Everything is energy flowing!
In my sessions we allow the life force energy to express how ever it wants and you can just dance with it.
Wanna join the dance?