Upcoming events


When? 1-4 AUGUST 2024
Location: Narumi Retreat Center north of Uppsala, Sweden

Are you ready to deepen your spiritual process and explore Non-duality?
Join this retreat in beautiful Narumi retreat center. Co-created with experienced space holders Pernilla Ahlberg, Malee Bladh and Navid Zargham.

This all-inclusive retreat is for you who feel the calling towards deepening your spiritual practice and strengthen your connection with your true self.

Previous events


When? February 4th 2024
Location: Munchenbryggeriet, Stockholm

KAP Kundalini Activation Process at Yoga Games 2024
Hosted by four KAP-facilitators; Pernilla, Julia H, Marcela and Helena.

For the first time KAP is on the schedule at Yoga Games! 

Together with 70 participants, many of them trying out KAP for the first time we held an Open class in the beautiful room Riddarsalen at Munchenbryggeriet. If you missed this big KAP-class, we hope to see you next year! 


When? August 2023 & October 2023
Location: MOON yoga & healing, Norrtälje Sweden

Are you ready to deepen your KAP process?
Join this KAP Weekend Immersion in beautiful Norrtälje with KAP-facilitator Pernilla.

A KAP-weekend immpersion is the number one most profound experience we recommend to anyone looking to make deep, sustainable shift in their life and connecting to your inner natural state of being and releasing anything that is no longer needed and holds you back. While it is a path of surrender and humbleness, KAP is truly the path of inner mastery.


When? Every month during spring 2023
Location: Norrköping, Stockholm, Västerås, Bollebygd, Göteborg, Norrtälje

Are you longing for more creativity and flow in your life? More pleasure, play and connection and less stress?

Varmly welcome to the Divine Feminine Activation, a mini retreat where we will be working to activate the divine feminine energy within. We will be working intuitively with poweful tools such as KAP, meditation, yoga, shaking, dance, soundhealing and womens circle. After this day you will feel more empowered and have a stronger connection to your intuition plus  more flow and creativity in your life. 

This mini retreat will be held in several studios all aruond Sweden during the spring of 2023. Check out the list of places and dates if you feel called to join and participate in this special and loving event co-created by Pernilla Ahlberg (KAP-facilitator) and Mikaela Baggström (yoga teacher).


When? Summer 2022 & Spring 2023
Location: Floresta Endantada in Sintra, Portugal

KAP experience in Portugal with 2 KAP Facilitators from Europe!
Co-Facilitated by KAP Facilitators Alina Cristina & Pernilla.
This KAP Immersion will happen in the magical place of Floresta Encantada in Sintra, Portugal, 35 mins from Lisbon city center in one of the most ancient forests of Europe. The yoga center receiving us is situated in the middle of the forest, with stunning views and nurturing facilities, maintaining the high energy container we are in.

A 2-days KAP weekend immersion (4 classes) is a profoundly evolutionary life experience, where you get to experience all aspects of yourself, igniting your Soul’s wisdom, truth and beautiful essence, in connection with your entire inner cosmos and outer cosmos.


When? Summer 2023
Location: Fiskabäck Sanctuary, Österlen Sweden

Are you ready for a truly transformative KAP Weekend Immersion?
This immersion will take place in a stunning high vibing retreat space in the magical hills of Brösarp inÖsterlen, Sweden.
Sessions will be held in the outdoor shala with beautiful natural surroundings.
Co-created by three KAP-facilitators; Pernilla, Malee and Magdalena.

A KAP-weekend immpersion is the number one most profound experience we recommend to anyone looking to make deep, sustainable shift in their life and connecting to your inner natural state of being and releasing anything that is no longer needed and holds you back. While it is a path of surrender and humbleness, KAP is truly the path of inner mastery.


When? Summer 2022
Location: Narumi Retreat Center north of Uppsala, Sweden

Are you ready to peel off the layers, surrender to the unknown and be immersed by this specific energy?

On this retreat we focus on the full and actual embodiment of the kundalini energy and non dual consciousness. Narumi Retreat Center is located in the forest of northern Uppland in Sweden. The nature of these 3 days allows the transmission force to penetrate into the being at a level that the open classes cannot reach - to activate your highest potential and to fully embody your true self. Together with yoga, meditation, a full moon, vegan meals and nature, we welcome you to join this very special retreat.